
Pinning! My blog is all about finding out how good those Pinterest recipes really are...or how easy that home decor project really was. I try some of my favorite Pins and tell you how it went!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Crayon Art!

 The above photo is my inspiration for this craft. It is quite simple. Get a painting canvas, hot glue crayons to the top, then melt the crayons by blow drying them. Of course you should set up an area with newspaper and what not so you don't get crayon in your carpet! But then, you're ready to go. 

This craft took maybe thirty minutes. Included in that time is the time it took me to sketch the picture of the little girl and paint it. Also, picking out the different crayons took some time.The actual heating of the crayons took maybe five mintues.

The verdict: I am so happy with my outcome (below)!  I really like the look with the crayons still attached but I needed some space for my quote and the crayons could have (and were) reused. There are so many different possibilities that this project will never get old. The look of the melted crayon is so cool and this project is so easy that I think everyone should try it!
"Into Each Life, Some Rain Must Fall" -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


  1. Love it!

    How about "...Look for the light through the pouring rain.."


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think it looks pretty cool with the crayons still on it!
