
Pinning! My blog is all about finding out how good those Pinterest recipes really are...or how easy that home decor project really was. I try some of my favorite Pins and tell you how it went!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

OMG edible glitter!!!!! I just died!!!

Have you ever played the game telephone? Where one person whispers something into another persons ear and we go around the circle and the last person says what they thought they heard? Anyway, "I love Ms. Young" ends up being "I pierced my tongue." That's the story of this pin...

I'm planning a baby shower for my oldest sister and I'm looking for some way to decorate the cupcakes. The colors are purple and glitter (yes glitter is a color). So my middle sister finds this really awesome pin with the title "OMG edible glitter!!!! I just died!!!!" with the following recipe:

1/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon of food coloring
Bake at 350 degrees
for 10 minutes

Sounds perfect right? No. Ten minutes later I ask my sister what is smoking in the oven? Oh yeah, its my amazing edible glitter recipe. Turns out the sugar melted (duh) and it was burning onto my brand new baking sheet. 

The link to the OMG pin is some random picture blog and it really has no information. So I looked up the original pin and it turns out to be totally different from what I did. Its not "edible" glitter, its non-toxic glitter. And, it can be made from salt which might cook better. Also, a friendly tip from the web site: "Paste food coloring can result in smoke" ;)

Good to know.

Here's where to get your non-toxic glitter!

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